Behind each of our horses is a unique personality with a story and the need for a fulfilled life. Help us to make such a life possible for horses from racing who would otherwise not have been so lucky.

A horse sponsorship is of interest to sponsors who wish to make a long-term and reliable commitment to a specific horse of their choice.

By taking on a sponsorship, you make a promise to your sponsored horse, because you are the patron of your sponsored horse. You pay a fixed monthly or annual fee to cover the costs of accommodation, feeding, hoof care and full care of your sponsored horse. The costs vary from horse to horse and are broken down in detail by us depending on the horse’s health and level of care. Sponsorships are long-term and are automatically renewed every two years.

You get from us:

A detailed Dossier

a detailed dossier of your sponsored horse in which we describe its history, character and state of health.

a certificate of sponsorship

A certificate of sponsorship and an original portrait drawing of your sponsored horse in pastel or graphite by Annely Putz (see illustrations)

Semi-annual reports

Every six months, you will receive a detailed report with photo documentation about your sponsored horse. This not only covers medical and therapeutic progress, we also paint a picture of his character, his herd behavior and all the important events in his life. You are also welcome to visit your sponsored horse in person and see for yourself how he is doing.

Cost breakdown

Of course, we provide detailed information about the expenses for our sponsored horses and document vet, medication and feed costs with receipts and invoices.

Taking on a sponsorship is a commitment to care for a living being. It is a rewarding task to accompany a horse on its journey over the years, to witness its recovery and to participate in its development. Private individuals or companies can become horse sponsors. 

Due to the costs involved, horse sponsorships are generally divisible. Please contact us or send us an e-mail, we will be happy to send you dossiers on the horses we sponsor and provide you with detailed information on the costs.